Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Stay In Motion, Keep An Open Mind

So today, I inexplicably signed up for the Hustle Up The Hancock half climb. I have never done ANYTHING like this before, only walked a couple of 5Ks, that sort of thing. It's terrifying in a good way. Gives me a nice tangible goal pre-wedding to train for -- it's one thing to be going to the trainer with the wedding in mind, but another to have something that requires training, you know? I mean, I don't have to train for my wedding, other than perhaps getting my tolerance up for booze and dysfunction.*

So wish me luck. Or, better yet, throw me a bone. No donation is too small -- would you buy me a latte? Pledge the $3 instead.

* Please note that the aforementioned dysfunction refers not to my wedding, my marriage, or BFE. It refers instead to my family, his family, and the zombie apocalypse that may occur as a result of putting both of said familial units in the same room together. Then again, there are few things that I love more than a good zombie apocalypse....

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