How long did I say it would take to stop blogging daily? D'oh!
I do have an excuse, though -- I was busy driving all over town taking pix. Here's more Would-Be Film Stills:
I love both of these, but for different reasons. The one above is too centered for my tastes, but you can't see how fast I am going, and it has a blur that suggests motion, like I am speeding away from something nefarious. The one on the right is delightfully off-center and crisper, but you can see my MPH. It still has a fun anticipatory quality to it though.
Contrast those with some pix I took today:
I like this one (R) a lot. In my own little Isherwood fantasies, I would wish to be able to capture images from my POV, so that you had the multi-layered realities of Me, Inside the Car, The Windshield, and Outside The Car. The one below I call "Seuratt" (the extra T is for Traffic), because it looks so pointillist to me. Or impressionistic. Hmmm. Maybe I should retitle it. Or maybe I should calm down and quit being so freakin pretentious about my new hobby. Did I mention this is all courtesy of my new Pearl? Am loving it for the multifunctionality and portability
alone. For anyone vetting the Pearl, this should also give you a half-assed idea of the picture quality you'll get. Not amazing intrinsically, but for what it is and what it cost, pretty Fing awesome, IMHO. Of course some Photographer (with a capital P, signifying that they actually know what they're doing) will probably laugh themselves silly when they stumble upon this blog. Ah well. I've been having a blast, and I love these pix.
Now this one below, taken during the same drive, is bizarre to me. Not sure what I have here, exactly...
I do love it, but it looks like something out of Bladerunner Meets BackDraft to me. Yet there's a vaguely sinister shadow/shape in the upper left quadrant. Is it sasquatch? Satan? Oliver Stone? Who's to say.
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